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Information about the Forum’s past and upcoming events

ندوة: كفاح الاستقلال في اليمن الجنوبي – أجيال المستقبل

بمناسبة يوم المرأة العالمي الموافق 8 مارس، يُقيم التكتل النسوي الجنوبي في أوروبا ندوة عبر برنامج الزوم مع الدكتورة أميرة أوجستين لمناقشة كتابها الذي حمل عنوان ” كفاح الاستقلال في اليمن الجنوبي: أجيال المقاومة” تدير الندوة الدكتورة هدى العطاس  2022 الموعد: الأربعاء 9 مارس الساعة السادسة بتوقيت ألمانيا رابط الندوة: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting […]

10 Years After the Arab Spring: Protest Cycles in the Middle East and North Africa in Context

10 Years After the Arab Spring: Protest Cycles in the Middle East and North Africa in Context   Ten years ago, popular uprisings challenged  authoritarian systems across the Middle East and North Africa. The Arab Spring uprisings of 2011 and their aftermath, together with the Green Movement in Iran (2009) and the Gezi-protests in Turkey […]

ندوة: موروث عدن الثقافي ومعالمها الأثرية

موروث عدن الثقافي ومعالمها الأثرية يُنظم منتدى محمد علي لقمان للدراسات ندوة بعنوان “موروث عدن الثقافي ومعالمها الأثرية” في ضرورة حماية ذاكرة المدينة الصلبة وخيال أمكنتها العابر للحدود والأفاق من العبث والتدمير الزمن: 25 سبتمبر 2020، الساعة 6 – 7:30 مساء (بتوقيت مدينة عدن). المتحدثون: د. أسمهان العلس (أستاذة التاريخ في جامعة عدن)، المهندس شادي […]

ندوة بعنوان: اليمن في زمن كورونا، تحولات وتحديات

ندوة بعنوان: اليمن في زمن كورونا، تحولات وتحديات يُنظم منتدى محمد علي لقمان للدراسات بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الصحافة الإنسانية ندوة بعنوان: “اليمن في زمن كورونا: تحولات وتحديات” الزمن: 23 أغسطس 2020، الساعة 05:00 – 07:00 الندوة ستكون أونلاين على برنامج zoom  المتحدثون: د.عبدالسلام الربيدي (باحث ورئيس منتدى لقمان)، د. أسامة ناشر (استشاري أمراض باطنية وأمراض […]

DAG-Jemen Forum 2020: Reihe 1 “Jemen versinkt in eine Katastrophe”

DAG-Jemen Forum 2020: Reihe 1 “Jemen versinkt in eine Katastrophe” Mittwoch, 15.07.2020, 14:00-15:00 Uhr Online | Zugangsdaten nach Anmeldung bitte bis 13.07.2020 per E-Mail an (Nur für DAG-Mitglieder und geladene Gäste) Luftangriffe, zerrissene Familien und ein zerrüttetes Gesundheitssystem: Der Krieg im Jemen bedeutet für die Bevölkerung seit 2015 furchtbares Leid. Wasser und Medikamente sowie […]

The Importance of Reconsidering Ideas about South Yemen

Statement by the Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman 15 August 2019 The current events in South Yemen require a reconsideration of approaches toward and perceptions of this region in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of what is happening on the ground. Until the developments in Aden over the past two weeks, South Yemen […]

Women’s Struggles Interview with Rasha Jarhum, Peace Track Initiative

Women’s Struggles Interview with Rasha Jarhum, Peace Track Initiative Foto: Peace Track Initiative By Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (Original interview in German) Anne-Linda Amira Augustin: International Women’s Day is approaching, how is this day conceived in Yemen? Is it a day that gives reasons to celebrate? What are the current women struggles in Yemen? Rasha Jarhum: […]


MOVIE SCREENING 10 DAYS BEFORE THE WEDDING   The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung screens the movie 10 Days Before the Wedding, which will be followed by a panel discussion with the film director, Amr Gamal, and the main actress, Sali Hamada. As the first feature film to be fully produced in Yemen, 10 Days Before the Wedding tells […]

Der Krieg im Jemen und die ungelöste Südfrage

Der Krieg im Jemen und die ungelöste Südfrage   Datum: 5. November 2019, 18:15 Uhr Ort: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Schellingstr. 3, 80799 München, Hörsaal S 002 Vorstandsmitglied Anne-Linda Amira Augustin wird in der Vorlesungsreihe „Basiswissen Islam “ am Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München über den Krieg im Jemen sprechen. Der Vortrag wird […]

Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen im Jemen mit dem speziellen Fokus auf den Südjemen

Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Tendenzen im Jemen mit dem speziellen Fokus auf den Südjemen Der Verein Nahost-Forum e.V. lädt Mitglieder des Akademischen Forums ein, Einblicke in aktuelle Geschehnisse und Entwicklungen im Jemen zu geben und die politische, wirtschaftliche und humanitäre Situation mit dem speziellen Fokus auf den Südjemen zu beleuchten. Vortragende: Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (Schatzmeisterin des […]

Perspectives on Civil Society in South Yemen: Academic and Media Coverage Past and Present

Perspectives on Civil Society in South Yemen: Academic and Media Coverage Past and Present   Date: November 26, 2019, 09:30am – 01:30pm Venue: The Arab British Chamber of Commerce, 43 Upper Grosvenor Street, London, W1K 2NJ Speakers: Huda Luqman (Daughter of M.A. Luqman), Dr. Susanne Dahlgren (University of Tampere,Finland), Rasha Obaid (Peace Track Initiative/Visiting Fellow […]

حلقة نقاشية: الجنوب واستحقاقات قادمة

حلقة نقاشية: الجنوب واستحقاقات قادمة يقف جنوب اليمن على مفترق طرق كثيرة وصعبة، فالأحداث والتطورات المتلاحقة منذ 2015، بشكلٍ عامٍ، والأحداث الأخيرة في عدن، بشكلٍ خاص، سيكون لها تداعياتها الكبيرة على المدى القريب والبعيد. وعلى ضوء هذه التطورات، ستبرز الكثير من القضايا والاشكاليات والتحديات الكبيرة، الداخلية والخارجية ، والتي قد تتضافر في خلخلة الأوضاع وتعزيز […]

Departure of a great Journalist, Farouk Muhammad Ali Luqman

Departure of a great Journalist, Farouk Muhammad Ali Luqman   The Arab press lost one of its most Dynamic symbols, journalist, Farouk Mohammed Ali Luqman, at the age of 84, after a busy career he spent in local and international journalism. Farouq was the son of the pioneer of enlightenment in Yemen the Lawyer Mohammed […]

31st Exeter Gulf Conference: Zones of Theory in the Study of Yemen

31st Exeter Gulf Conference: Zones of Theory in the Study of Yemen   From 1st to 2nd July 2019, the 31st Exeter Gulf Conference will return for the third time to Yemen, this time to reflect on the state of the academic field in light of the war in Yemen. The conference with the title […]

Russia’s Foreign Policy towards South Yemen: Past, Present and Future Perspectives

Russia’s Foreign Policy towards South Yemen: Past, Present and Future Perspectives The Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman cordially invites you to a special public lecture with Dr. Noel Brehony Chairman of the British Yemeni Society & Author of “Yemen Divided: The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia” (2011) and Samuel Ramani PhD Candidate […]

Photo Exhibition and Presentation on South Yemeni Women

Photo Exhibition and Presentation on South Yemeni Women   The South Arabian Women’s Association organizes together with the Association Friedensweg e.V. a photo exhibition about the life of South Yemeni women before and after Yemeni unity in 1990. The exhibition is hosted in the town of Marl. In addition to finger food, tea and coffee, […]


SOUTH YEMEN: WOMEN ACTIVISTS INTENSIFY CALLS FOR INCLUSION IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS [BRUSSELS – 8 MARCH 2019] On the eve of International Women’s Day, a group of women from across South Yemeni society led a panel discussion in Brussels on the role of women on the ground. The event was an important opportunity for EU […]

Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa

Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa   From January 31 to February 2, 2019, the 14th conference of the Italian Society of Middle Eastern Studies SeSaMO took place in Turin. The conference was themed “Paths of Resistance in the Middle East and North Africa”. Anne-Linda Amira Augustin presented her doctoral thesis […]

Women of South Yemen: Past, Present and the Future

Women of South Yemen: Past, Present and the Future The Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman and Independent Diplomat cordially invite all to a special public panel discussion on “Women of South Yemen: Past, Present and the Future”. As we mark International Women’s Day, the panel discussion will explore the vital role South Yemeni women have played in their decade’s […]

Connecting Resistances

Connecting Resistances From September 28 to October 1, 2018, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and Alsharq e.V. hosted the conference “Connecting Resistances: Emancipatory Activism in West Asia, North Africa and Germany”. A total of 50 activists, journalists, and academics from different countries and areas came together to discuss local issues and the resulting resistances, as well […]

No country for anthropologists?

No country for anthropologists? From 1 to 3 November 2018, Anne-Linda Amira Augustin represented the Forum at the international conference entitled “No country for anthropologists? Contemporary ethnographic research in the Middle East” at the University of Zurich. She spoke about the difficulties of conducting field research in South Yemen that have existed for years. Researchers […]