Autor: Autorenkollektiv des Akademischen Forums Muhammad Ali Luqman Veröffentlichungsdatum: Jahrgang 53, Heft 1/2 2022. Quelle: Jemen-Report (Hrsg. Deutsch-Jemenitische Gesellschaft e.V.)
Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, South Yemen’s Independence Struggle: Generations of Resistance (Cairo/New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2021). Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this [...]
Summary The European relationships with the Southern state (the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen), and later with the Southern issue, have witnessed many phases and dilemmas. The tense [...]
At its beginning in 2007, the Southern Movement in South Yemen was a loose merger of different people, most of them former army personnel and state employees of the People’s Democratic [...]
شارك الزميل أمين اليافعي نائب رئيس منتدى محمد علي لقمان في حلقة نقاشية بعنوان: “المجلس الرئاسي في اليمن حل للأزمة أم معضلة جديدة؟” قام بتنظيمها مركز ساوث 24 للأخبار والدراسات وشارك [...]
Autor: Autorenkollektiv des Akademischen Forums Muhammad Ali Luqman Veröffentlichungsdatum: 52/2021 Quelle: Jemen-Report (Hrsg. Deutsch-Jemenitische Gesellschaft e.V.)
نظّم منتدى محمد علي لقمان حلقة نقاشية بعنوان: “العصبية: مداراتها ومآلات ما بعد 2015″، تحدث فيها كل من: الدكتور قاسم المحبشي أستاذ فلسفة التاريخ والحضارة كلية الآداب جامعة عدن، [...]
Foreword “Knowledge is the only path to salvation, abundant education is the strongest basis for the equality of nations, their appreciation for each other”. Muhammad Ali Luqman I [...]
(open access to the book) Anne-Linda Amira Augustin Abstract In 2007, a protest movement emerged in South Yemen called the Southern Movement. At the beginning, it was a loose [...]
Photo: Peter Adams Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi (The original source of article) While Yemeni politicians have failed to produce binding political solutions to help the country emerge from its [...]