Articles and Literature 

Here we share articles and literature from and about South Yemen.



Autor: Autorenkollektiv des Akademischen Forums Muhammad Ali Luqman Veröffentlichungsdatum: Jahrgang 53, Heft 1/2 2022. Quelle: Jemen-Report (Hrsg. Deutsch-Jemenitische Gesellschaft e.V.)  

An Interview with Amira Augustin about her Book “South Yemen’s Independence Struggle: Generations of Resistance”

Anne-Linda Amira Augustin, South Yemen’s Independence Struggle: Generations of Resistance (Cairo/New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2021).  Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book? Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (AAA): In 2007, the Southern Movement was born in protest against the marginalization of South Yemenis since the unification of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY/South Yemen) […]

The EU and South Yemen: Between Thorny History and Available Opportunities

Summary The European relationships with the Southern state (the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen), and later with the Southern issue, have witnessed many phases and dilemmas. The tense and cautious relationships cast its shadow during the Cold War, as each party adopted a different approach. Later, during the transitional period following the Unity, the relationships […]

New Book: “South Yemen’s Independence Struggle: Generations of Resistance”

  At its beginning in 2007, the Southern Movement in South Yemen was a loose merger of different people, most of them former army personnel and state employees of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) who were forced from their jobs after the war in 1994, only four years after the unification between the […]

حلقة نقاشية: المجلس الرئاسي في اليمن حل للأزمة أم معضلة جديدة؟

شارك الزميل أمين اليافعي نائب رئيس منتدى محمد علي لقمان في حلقة نقاشية بعنوان: “المجلس الرئاسي في اليمن حل للأزمة أم معضلة جديدة؟” قام بتنظيمها مركز ساوث 24 للأخبار والدراسات وشارك فيها عدد من الباحثين والمهتمين    


  Autor: Autorenkollektiv des Akademischen Forums Muhammad Ali Luqman Veröffentlichungsdatum: 52/2021 Quelle: Jemen-Report (Hrsg. Deutsch-Jemenitische Gesellschaft e.V.)

حلقة نقاشية: العصبية مداراتها ومآلات ما بعد 2015 (فيديو)

نظّم منتدى محمد علي لقمان حلقة نقاشية بعنوان: “العصبية: مداراتها ومآلات ما بعد 2015″، تحدث فيها كل من: الدكتور قاسم المحبشي أستاذ فلسفة التاريخ والحضارة كلية الآداب جامعة عدن، والدكتور نادر العمري الباحث والكاتب في الشئون الإسلامية والتاريخ الإسلامي محاور الندوة: – ما وراء العصبية: خلفية تاريخية. – ديناميات توغل العصبيات وتمددها. – العصبيات في […]

The Book of Muhammad Ali Luqman’s “Men, Matters and Memories” is available online

Foreword “Knowledge is the only path to salvation, abundant education is the strongest basis for the equality of nations, their appreciation for each other”. Muhammad Ali Luqman I thought of writing an introduction to my father’s book which is the only one of his writings published in English so far. The book, ‘Men, Matters and […]

Family Memories and the Transmission of the Independence Struggle in South Yemen

(open access to the book)   Anne-Linda Amira Augustin  Abstract In 2007, a protest movement emerged in South Yemen called the Southern Movement. At the beginning, it was a loose amalgamation of people, most of them former army personnel and state employees of the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY) who had been forced out of […]


  Photo: Peter Adams Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi  (The original source of article) While Yemeni politicians have failed to produce binding political solutions to help the country emerge from its grinding civil war, academic and intellectual circles have been actively debating and putting forth policies that could move the country forward.  However, their contributions to public discourse […]

محمد علي لقمان رجل التنوير الذي رفض المناصب واقترب من الناس

محمدعلي لقمان (1316([1]) -1385هـ) = (1898 – 1966م)، محامي، أديب، صحفي، روائي، مسرحي، رحَّالة، وأحد رواد النهضة والإصلاح والتنوير في اليمن. دراسته درس الأستاذ محمد علي إبراهيم لقمان، في بداية حياته، القرآن على يد الفقيه سعيد عبدالله العلس([2])، وتلقى دروسًا في النحو والصرف على يد العلّامة محمد حسن الحازمي([3]) قاضي عدن، وقرأ النحو أيضًا على يد الشيخ […]

موروث عدن الثقافي ومعالمها الأثرية

تحت عنوان: “موروث عدن الثقافي ومعالمها الأثرية”؛ في ضرورة حماية ذاكرة المدينة الصلبة وخيال أمكنتها العابر للحدود والأفاق من العبث والتدمير، نظّم منتدى محمد علي لقمان يوم أمس الجمعة الموافق 25 سبتمبر 2020 ندوة افتراضية عن طريق برنامج الزوم، تحدّث فيها كلٌ من: الدكتورة أسمهان العلس، أستاذة التاريخ في جامعة عدن والأمين العام للجمعية اليمنية […]

اليمن في زمن كورورنا: تحولات وتحديات (تقرير عن الندوة)

  تحت عنوان “اليمن في زمن كورونا: تحولات وتحديات”، نظّم منتدى محمد علي لقمان للدراسات (ألمانيا) بالتعاون مع مؤسسة الصحافة الإنسانية (عدن) يوم الأحد الموافق 23 أغسطس 2020 ندوة عبر أحد تقنيات الواقع الافتراضي (برنامج الزوم). ركزت الندوة على عدد من القضايا والملفات التي تتعلق بجائحة كورونا، أو هي أحد تبعاتها مثل: الخطاب الديني، تحديات […]

Zehn Jahre Arabische Revolution: Was ist aus dem Jemenitischen Frühling geworden?

(Quelle: Westasien im Fokus, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)   Die südjemenitische Menschenrechtsaktivistin Sarah Abdullah Hasan al-Yafai’i erhielt 2015 von der Arab Women Foundation in Dubai den Preis «The Distinguished Arab Women» im Bereich der sozialen Arbeit. Sarah ist in Aden geboren und hat an der Universität Sanaa Medienwissenschaft studiert. 2011 war sie eines der führenden Gesichter der Jugendrevolution […]

COVID-19 in Yemen: A disaster rarely comes alone

Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (The original source of article) Yemen was one of the very last countries to be hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 10, the first case was detected in the eastern governorate of Hadramawt, and on April 29, a further five cases, two of them deaths, were announced in Aden. The South Yemeni […]

التعددية الثقافية وهواجس متفاقمة: محفزات التواصل وأسباب العزلة

نشرت مؤسسة “مؤمنون لا حدود” بحثاً لنائب رئيس منتدى محمد علي لقمان للدراسات، أمين اليافعي، بعنوان “التعددية الثقافية وهواجس متفاقمة: محفزات التواصل وأسباب العزلة”. الرابط الأصلي تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على النقاشات والمواقف المتباينة إزاء سياسات التعددية الثقافية، خصوصاً في أوقات الأزمات التي تكون ذات صبغة هوياتية واضحة، وبالتالي تبيّن الرهانات المختلفة على […]

Covid-19 im Jemen: am Rand einer Katastrophe

    Bestätigte Covid-19- Infektionen im Jemen: die betroffenen Regionen am 22. Mai 2020CC BY-SA 4.0, ThisAwesomeGuy7630, via Wikimedia Commons     Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (der orginale Link) Am 10. April 2020 wurde aus dem südjemenitischen Gouvernorat Hadramaut der erste Corona-Fall gemeldet. Damit war der Jemen eines der allerletzten Länder, welches nun auch offiziell vom Virus […]

Neues vom Akademischen Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman

Autor: Autorenkollektiv des Akademischen Forums Muhammad Ali Luqman Veröffentlichungsdatum: 51/2020 Quelle: Jemen-Report (Hrsg. Deutsch-Jemenitische Gesellschaft e.V.)    

الوعي النقدي وحدود التجديد في شعر علي أحمد باكثير

د. عبد المُطلب أحمد جبر لا تُذكَر قضيَّة التجديد والرِّيادة في الشعر العربي الحديث المعاصر إلا ويكون علي أحمد باكثير (1910-1969م) أحدَ الشُّعَراء الذين أسهَمُوا في هذا المسار؛ فهو عند طائفةٍ من الدارسين يُمثِّل الرِّيادة الفنيَّة، وعند آخَرين الرِّيادة التاريخيَّة، وبقدر ما يتداخَل هذان الخطَّان تتأرجَحُ مكانة باكثير في خطِّ تطوُّر التجديد في الشعر العربي، […]

The War in Yemen: Fragmentation and Consolidation of Local Power Structures

Author: Anne-Linda Amira Augustin (The orginnal source of article) The Western media often discusses the war in Yemen in an overly-simplified manner without shedding light on its complex history. The conflict is mostly depicted as a war between Sunnites and Shiites, with the Saudi and UAE-led military coalition on one side and Iran on the […]

Identity Constructions in Contemporary Yemeni Novels

The Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman expresses congratulations and highest respect to its chairman Dr. Abdulsalam al-Rubaidi for the publication of his doctoral research “Identity Constructions in Contemporary Yemeni Novels” (Narratio Aliena? Studien des Bonner Zentrums für Transkulturelle Narratologie, vol. 13, Berlin: EB-Verlag Dr. Brandt, 2020.). Abstract: This book is an analytical study of identities […]

The 14th Edition of the Cultural Magazine of Hadhramaut

    The Cultural Magazine of Hadhramaut is quarterly published by the Hadhramaut Center  for Historical Studies, Documentation and Publication. It is 14th edition contains the following articles: Dr. Abdullah al-Ja’idi: Historical documents from Hadhramaut Dr. Ahmad Hadi BaHartha: Peace in Hadhramaut through the Hadhrami press Yislam Salih Bin Dahlous: Weakness of the Kathiri State […]


Independent Diplomat and Women In International Security (WIIS) organize a special public panel discussion on Women of South Yemen: Securing peace and stability. Moderator & Opening Remarks Ms Laura Semmler, Women in International Security (WIIS) Brussels.  Panellists: Sanaa Mubarak, is paediatrician by profession and a founding member of the Academic Forum Muhammed Ali Luqman (think […]

Perspectives on Civil Society in South Yemen (Videos)

Part 1 ´The Golden Age´: Aden in the 1950s and 1960s. Presented by Huda Luqman (Daughter of M.A. Luqman)    Part 2 South Yemen through the eyes of international media during the past years Presented by Ameen Shandhor ( Academic Forum M.A. Luqman).  

Saeed Al-Gariri: It Was a Dramatic Turning Point for Us

The interview was conducted by Anne-Linda Amira Augustin and originally appeared in maldekstra #6. Translation by Diego Otero and Ryan Eyers for Gegensatz Translation Collective. Amira Augustin : What happened in South Yemen in 1989 and 1990? Were the upheavals in Germany and Eastern Europe also felt in South Yemen? What thoughts, hopes, or worries did you have […]

The 2nd Edition of the Cultural Magazine Abyan

On March 28, 2019, the newly founded University of Abyan in Zinjibar published the first issue of the cultural magazine Abyan in the eponymous governorate. The 2nd edition contains the following topics: Civilization and Nomadism in Arabic Poetry by Dr. Saeed al-Awadi The Rhythm in Medinan Suras of the Quran by Dr. Salih Abdullah Mansour […]

Past and Present Perspectives on Civil Society in South Yemen

Omar Ahmed Middle East Monitor – Link The Arab-British Chamber of Commerce was the venue for yesterday’s workshop organised by the Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman and supported by Independent Diplomat focussing on civil society, women’s activism and the role of local and international media in current developments in South Yemen, in particular from a historical […]

The Yemen War: Actors, Interests and the Prospects of Negotiations

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has convened experts from Europe, Germany, the United States, and Yemen to provide informed opinions about the conflict in Yemen and on the best way to advance peace among the warring parties. In addition to an analysis of different local, regional and international perspectives on the conflict, the policy paper provides recommendations to […]

Der Krieg im Jemen und die ungelöste Südfrage

Datum: 5. November 2019, 18:15 Uhr Ort: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Schellingstr. 3, 80799 München, Hörsaal S 002 Vorstandsmitglied Anne-Linda Amira Augustin wird in der Vorlesungsreihe „Basiswissen Islam “ am Institut für den Nahen und Mittleren Osten der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München über den Krieg im Jemen sprechen. Der Vortrag wird sich besonders der Entstehung der südjemenitischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung, der […]

The Importance of Reconsidering Ideas about South Yemen

Statement by the Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman 15 August 2019 The current events in South Yemen require a reconsideration of approaches toward and perceptions of this region in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of what is happening on the ground. Until the developments in Aden over the past two weeks, South Yemen […]

Russia’s Foreign Policy towards South Yemen: Past, Present and Future Perspectives

المحاضرة على اليوتيوب/ On YouTube الجزء الأول/ Part 1 الجزء الثاني/  Part 2 برلين نَظّم منتدى محمد علي لقمان للدراسات – أوروبا يوم أمس محاضرة علمية في العاصمة الألمانية برلين تحت عنوان “السياسة الخارجية الروسية تجاه جنوب اليمن: الماضي، الحاضر، والآفاق المستقبلية”. هدفت المحاضرة إلى قراءة واستعراض ثلاث محاور رئيسية: العلاقات الوطيدة بين الاتحاد السوفيتي […]

Jemen-Report: The Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman

The Academic Forum seeks to give insight into historical, political, economic and cultural topics related to South Yemen, as well as to stimulate research interest in this increasingly significant region.

Publication of the Cultural Magazine Abyan

On March 28, 2019, the newly founded University of Abyan in Zinjibar published the first issue of the cultural magazine Abyan in the eponymous governorate. The magazine deals with literary, social, historical, cultural, and anthropological topics. This first edition contains the following topics: Preface by Prof. Dr. Mahmood Al-Maisari, head of the magazine and rector […]

Modern Literature of South Yemen in the Course of Time

On June 19, 2018, Dr. Saeed Al-Gariri, Chairman of the Literati and Writers’ Association in al-Mukallah (Hadramaut) and former Professor of Literature and Literary Criticism at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Hadramaut (he has lived in the Netherlands since 2014), spoke at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the University of Leipzig […]

Memory, Social Stratification and Migration in Batawil’s Novels

On April 23, 2018, the “Literature Forum” in Berlin’s Brecht-Haus served as the venue of the Academic Forum Muhammad Ali Luqman’s inauguration and first public event. Abdulsalam Al-Rubaidi, literary scholar and doctoral candidate at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, presented Ammar Batawil’s (b. 1981) novels Salmin (2014) and Ekron 94 (2017). In the novel Salmin, Batawil tells […]